Andie's Log: Nokia N900 experiences and what's in the iPhone usability fairy dust. "A major reason in my view that the iPhone is such a huge success is because Apple found a way to force conceptual simplicity on the right level - basic usage navigating between applications with complex and powerful features is always the same, and something you can teach a person in less than 10 seconds. Behind that, each app can provide as much complexity as it needs or likes, but for the user there is just one basic rule of operation to learn. The rest most people don't even know about, and it doesn't matter. They can still use the device, and thus discover in time more and more things they can do. The overall system model you need to understand to have agency and feel in control of your experience with the device is small, and always the same. That empowers users, and makes the technology invisible."
Chris Dixon: The importance of institutional redundancy. "The importance of institutional redundancy is profoundly more important when applied to the internet at large. The US government originally designed the internet to be fully decentralized so as to withstand large-scale nuclear attack. The core services built on top of the internet – the web (HTTP), email (SMTP), subscription messaging (RSS) – were made similarly open and therefore distributible across institutions. This explains their remarkable system-wide reliability. It also explains why we should be worried about reliability when core internet services are owned by a single company."
VentureBeat: Hulu U.S. video streams soar almost 50% in October, Google’s YouTube flat. "The video portal for professionally produced content attracted 47 percent more views over the month. It pulled in about 850 million views in October compared to 583 million views in September. The site’s also stickier: the average user is watching about 20 videos, up from 15."
Jesper Åström: The 80 dollar Waste of money on Online Advertising. "That is what this relationship is telling us. 80 dollars on advertising, 1 dollar on conversion. We should be ashamed. I say We as I am in the middle of all of that. I want people to spend money on social media, SEO and other activities to draw people to buying their stuff. After seeing these numbers in front of me I am considering dropping the social media and SEO completely to focus my activities on what I am really the best at, namely making engaged people buy stuff."
Wingify: Three effective tips to get started with conversion rate optimization. "1) Test your "Call to Action", 2) Simplify your conversion funnel, 3) Don't let your visitors doubt your business trustworthiness"
John De Mayo: Display Advertisers: De-average or perish, the ad exchanges are here. "In summary, if you buy display advertising, get sophisticated, and get sophisticated fast. Understand exactly what user actions or conversions you associate value with and make sure you or a company on your behalf can correlate this value to every single data point that you or they or the data exchange has on a possible impressions. Those who fail to de-average groups of inventory will be stuck buying the slop, and firms who properly value inventory across a huge number of dimensions (both declared and proprietary data dimensions) will benefit significantly in this change in the way advertising impressions are allocated to buyers."
Silicon Alley Insider: Facebook Cracks Down On Developers' "Sneaky Little Viral Tricks". "All those benign but sneaky little viral tricks that were perfected by the leaders in the space are getting a beatdown from the new Facebook terms.
While the changes will keep Facebook a cleaner and more spam free place, they will also drive app developers to spend more and more directly on Facebook ads.
What are some of the changes? Here are three big ones."
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