Some interesting reading that survived my Sunday RSS reader cleaning session. A little bit of everything.
New York Times: How Vizio Went From Nowhere to No. 1. "Why has Vizio, a company that didn't exist until 2002, become the biggest seller of LCD TVs in the United States?" My takeaway: being a new entrant into the industry, pursuing a low-cost strategy with regards to manufacturing and development and innovating in the sales channel. Somewhat like what Dell did when you abstract it to that level. Certainly applicable to online, look at gambling (skins, affiliates) as one example.
Eric Ries: Building a new startup hub. Eric presents startup #1, IMVU and the ideas around the lean startup to TechStars. Long video, listen to it while working.
Judith Wolst: Härliga och läsvärda bloggar!. A list of very good Swedish media/social media/geek etc blogs. (Thanks Judith for the mention, btw.)
Geek Girl Meetup: Geek Girl Meetup. There is a new meetup October 24-25 in Stockholm.
Andrew Chen: How desktop apps beat websites at building large active userbases. If you build a product that is so great that people will actually download it, you'll have more tools available to remind people to use it. Over several months, those reminders will help your economics significantly.
Lightspeed Venture Partners: What is the difference between a good product and a good company? VC comments to Charles Hudson's tweet: "Good products create value. Good biz models capture value. Good companies have both"
Björn Hedensjö: Att lyckas med en mediestartup – tio tankar om vägen dit. Thoughts on starting a news-oriented media company and how to do it GigaOm/VentureBeat/TechCrunch-style.
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