January 31, 2013

Qapital - a promising Swedish personal finance service (and startup)

Qapital is an interesting personal finance startup based in Stockholm. Their service imports account and transaction data from most major Swedish banks and automatically categorizes spending into different categories (some manual training of the system is required). This allows analysis of spending at a level that is superior to standard Swedish Internet banks.

Qapital is still in closed beta and lacks a number of integrations that would make it great (like the ability to see through and analyze the actual spending with a credit card), but is still very promising. If you're interested in a personal finance management tool, you can get in line for an invitation by visiting Qapital's web site.

1 comment:

Fredrik Wass said...

Jag älskar att det börjar röra sig inom den här typen av tjänster. Men hur skiljer sig Qapital mot till exempel Smartbudget.se. Vid en första (slarvig) anblick känns det som att de gör liknande saker.