February 7, 2008

Lunarstorm and Bilddagboken for sale

LunarWorks, the owner of popular Swedish youth sites like Lunarstorm (community) and Bilddagboken (photo-sharing), is for sale, according to Dagens Nyheter. With an assumed asking price of about €55 million, there are not that many acquirers with both an interest in the Swedish/Nordic market and the financial strength to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Why acquire Lunar, when Finnish Apaja, Danish Freeway and Swedish Studentis has proven an ability to grow outside their home markets and are available to take a stake in.

This would make more sense for any Nordic or international media group wanting to get a foot print in the Nordic social media market, while still having a chance to take advantage of international presence.

Please comment!

Anonymous said...

Google are reported to be in the lead to purchase LunarStorm, Bilddagboken, Tyda, and Thephotodiary.com, bildedagboka.no.

Googles ability to maintain, and expand a Nordic revenue stream makes sound commercial sense.